
Leaving some of your assets to the Church after your death.


A gift opens the way and ushers the giver into the presence of the great.


A bequest to Beenleigh Baptist Church in your Will is an investmnet in our ongoing ministry.  It is a living legacy that enables you, in partnership with the Church, to do more, so much more.  This is a gift that goes on working and supporting God’s eternal purposes.  It allows ripples into the future than can touch many generations.


Talk to your solicitor about creating a new Will or updating an existing one to include a bequest to Beenleigh Baptist Church.


A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.

Words to use in your Bequest:

 I…………………….(your full name), give and bequeath……………………………(an amount of money, property, or a % of the estate) free of all duties, to The Baptist Union of Queensland for the specific purposes of “Beenleigh Baptist Church” and I declare that the receipt of the Secretary for the time being of the said ‘The Baptist Union of Queensland’, shall be sufficient discharge to my executors or trustees.


This means a gift can be left directly for the work at Beenleigh Baptist Church where the money can be used immediately Estate monies have been received.  One of the things to be aware of is that there could be a name change in the future or a church entity could cease to exist.  For that reason, often people are advised to keep their bequest as general as possible however it is advisable to include ‘The Baptist Union of Queensland for the work at the particular Baptist Church’ if that is what is so desired.

Contact us below if you would like to discuss this further.