Kingdom Offset Account

Partnering with us to reduce our Church Loan Repayments

1 Corinthians 3:9-10

For we are God’s coworkers. You are God’s field, God’s building. According to God’s grace that was given to me, I have laid a foundation as a skilled master …

Built on the shoulders of the saints

Beenleigh Baptist Church has been established for over 50 years.  In recent years, we have needed to renew our facilities.

Partner with Us

We have taken out a loan to develop our Church and the Hub.  You can assist us to pay off this loan sooner by depositing any excess funds you may have into our Kingdom Offset Account.  The interest you otherwise would have earned from these funds are instead offset aginst our loan repayments.

Easy to do

Just complete the necessary form from Baplink, the Financial Services arm of the Baptist Church, and then transfer your funds.  You can withdraw the funds at a future date when you need them.  Our Church will receive the benefit immediately from your help.

Find the form here

You can access the application form to deposit your funds into our Kingdom Offset Account at the following link:

Tap to access the Kingdom Offset Form here

Download the PDF form and complete it on your device.  Please note:  You will need to add the name of Beenleigh Baptist Church in the box adjacent to the request to nominate a specific church for the offset.

If you would like to know how our Kingdom Offset Account is doing, you can review the Quarterly Financial Reports of the Church that provide such information.

We are truly blessed by the people of our Church who contribute to this account and reduce our monthly loan repayments.  Thank you.

Contact us below if you would like to discuss this further.