Steps to Freedom in Christ

    Beenleigh & District Baptist Church

    Beenleigh & District Baptist Church

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    Lord, I confess that I have participated in ____________, and I renounce _______________ . Thank you that in Christ I am forgiven.

    Kingdom of Darkness

    Kingdom of Light

    I renounce ever signing my name over to Satan or having had my name signed over to Satan.

    I announce that my name is now written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.

    I renounce any ceremony where I might have been wed to Satan.

    I announce that I am a child of God and a member and part of the body of Christ.

    I renounce any and all covenants I made with Satan.

    I announce that I am a partaker of the New Covenant with Christ.

    I renounce all satanic assignments for my life, including duties, marriage and children.

    I announce and commit myself to know and do only the will of God and accept only His guidance.

    I renounce all spirit guides assigned to me.

    I announce and accept only the leading of the Holy Spirit.

    I renounce ever giving of my blood in the service of Satan.

    I trust only in the shed blood of my Lord Jesus Christ.

    I renounce ever eating of flesh or drinking of blood for satanic worship.

    By faith I take Holy Communion which represents the body and the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ

    I renounce any and all guardians and Satanist parents who were assigned to me.

    I announce that God is my Father and the Holy Spirit is my Guardian by which I am sealed.

    I renounce any baptism in blood or urine whereby I am identified with Satan.

    I announce that I have been baptised into Christ Jesus and my identity is now in Christ.

    I renounce any and all sacrifices that were made on my behalf by which Satan may claim ownership of me.

    I announce that only the sacrifice of Christ has any hold on me. I belong to Him. I have been purchased by the blood of the Lamb.

    Lord, I forgive ______________ (person’s name) for ___________________ (verbally state every hurt and pain the Lord brings to your mind and how it made you feel).

    Lord, I release all these people to You, and I release my right to seek revenge. I choose not to hold on to my bitterness and anger, and I ask You to heal my damaged emotions. In Jesus’ name, I pray.

    Civil government (Romans 13:1-7; 1 Timothy 2:1-4; 1 Peter 2:13-17)

    Parents (Ephesians 6:1-3)

    Husbands (1 Peter 3-1-4) or wives (Ephesians 5:21; 1 Peter 3:7)

    Employers (1 Peter 3:18-23)

    Church leaders (Hebrews 13:17) → God (Daniel 9:5,9)

    Lord, I agree I have been rebellious toward __________________. I choose to be submissive and obedient to your Word. In Jesus’ name, I pray, amen.

    Lord, I agree I have been prideful by ___________________. I choose to humble myself and place all my confidence in You, amen.

    Note: Sexual sins, eating disorders, substance abuse, abortion, suicidal tendencies, perfectionism and fear will be dealt with later in this step.

    Dear Heavenly Father, I thank You that my sins are forgiven in Christ, but I have walked by the flesh and have sinned by ____________________. Thank You for cleansing me of all unrighteousness. I ask that you would enable me to walk by the Spirit and not carry out the desires of the flesh. In Jesus’ name, I pray, amen.

    Lord, I ask You to reveal to my mind every sexual use of my body as an instrument of unrighteousness. Thank you Father. In Jesus name, I pray, amen.

    Lord, I renounce ___(name the specific misuse of your body) __
    with __(name the person)____ and ask You to break the bond Satan has brought into my life through that involvement. I confess my participation. I now present my body to You as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to You, and I reserve the sexual use of my body only for marriage. I renounce the lie of Satan that my body is not clean, that it is dirty or in any way unacceptable as result of my past sexual experiences. Lord, I thank You that You have totally cleansed and forgiven me, that You love and accept me unconditionally. Therefore, I can accept myself. And I choose to do so and to accept myself and my body as cleansed. In Jesus name, I pray, amen.

    Dear Lord, as I have now confessed these sins to You, I claim your forgiveness and cleansing through the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. I cancel all ground that evil spirits have gained through my wilful involvement in sin. I ask this in the wonderful name of my Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, amen.

    Dear Lord, I come to You as Your child purchased by the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. You are the Lord of the universe and the Lord of my life. I submit my body to You as an instrument of righteousness, a living sacrifice, that I may glorify You in my body. I now ask You to fill me with Your Holy Spirit. I commit myself to the renewing of my mind in order to prove that Your will is good, perfect and acceptable for me. All this I do in the name and authority of the Lord Jesus Christ, amen.

    Seek legitimate Christian fellowship where you can walk in the light and speak the truth in love.

    Study your Bible daily. Memorize key verses.

    Take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ. Assume responsibility of your thought life, reject the lie, choose the truth and stand firm in your position in Christ.

    Don’t drift away! It is very easy to get lazy in your thoughts and revert back to old habits or patterns of thinking.

    Share your struggles openly with a trusted friend. You need at least one friend who will stand with you.

    Don’t expect another person to fight your battle for you. Others can help, but they can’t think, pray, read the Bible or choose the truth for you.

    Continue to seek your identity and self-worth in Christ.

    Read: Living Free in Christ, and the devotional: Daily in Christ.

    Renew your mind with the truth that your acceptance, security and significance is in Christ by saturating your mind with the following truths.

    Read the entire list of who you are “In Christ” and the Doctrinal Affirmation (in Step 2) aloud morning and evening over the next several weeks (and look up the verses referenced).

    Commit yourself to daily prayer. You can pray these suggested prayers often and with confidence:

    Heavenly Father, I honour You as my sovereign Lord. I acknowledge that You are always present with me. You are the only all-powerful and wise God. You are kind and loving in all Your ways. I love You and thank You that I am united with Christ and spiritually alive in Him. I choose not to love the world, and I crucify the flesh and all its passions. Thank You for the life that I now have in Christ, and I ask You to fill me with Your Holy Spirit, that I may live my life free from sin. I declare my dependence up you, and I take my stand that I may live my life free from sin. I declare my dependence upon You, and I take my stand against Satan and all his lying ways. I choose to believe the truth and I refuse to be discouraged. You are the God of all hope, and I am confident that You will meet my needs as I seek to live a responsible life through Christ who strengthens me.

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